Entering God’s Kingdom
Luke 13:1-5, 8-35
November 10, 2005
Entrance doors are essential for gaining access to our houses and buildings where we work and visit. Most public buildings have one principle entrance. Similarly there is one entrance way into God’s kingdom. Jesus is quite specific about how we enter God’s kingdom and what it’s like. Jesus Himself is the door into God’s kingdom. Entering in requires certain attitudes and willingness to change and grow. Let’s see what we can learn from Jesus in Luke 13 that will help us be sure to enter God’s kingdom and grow in it.
Luke 13:1-5
13:1 The people who reported to Jesus about the Galileans must have had some expectations
Jesus to say or do?
13:2 What is your answer to Jesus’ question? Why did you answer this way?
13:4 How would you answer Jesus’ second question? Why?
relationship to Him and save them from eternal destruction and give them life. What important
principles is Jesus laying out for us in His questions? (Hint: Romans 3:21-23-24.)
13:2, 5 In light of what God is trying to do to restore the relationships between people and Himself,
What are the consequences of not repenting? From God’s perspective, why are these consequences justified?
Thinking back to our discussion of 13:4, how is God being fair in His treatment of everyone? (Hint: Acts 17:30.)
How is repentance a prerequisite to entering God’s kingdom?
Think of some ways that Jesus’ teaching about these tragedies can help us understand God’s presence the world today.
Luke 13:18-20
Thinking about these two parables, what do mustard seeds and leaven have in common in terms of their effects and the nature of God’s kingdom Jesus is telling us about?
Is God’s kingdom a place, a time, His influence, His reign, or several or all of these? Why do you think this way about His kingdom?
In what sense is God’s kingdom in the history of the world like a mustard seed that blossomed into a huge plant?
In what sense is God’s kingdom like the mustard seed growing into a large plant in your own life?
How does the influence of the kingdom grow in your own life?
How can you cultivate your spiritual growth in the kingdom?
Luke 13:21-35
13:24f Jesus mentioned a small seed, leaven and now a narrow door. He
all about and why do you think Jesus describes it as narrow?
13:25-35 What are the consequences to not entering through the narrow door?
love and His call for a response to His grace that opened the door to His
kingdom? What place does repentance have in relation to the narrow door?
Paul Birston
November 2005©