Luke 10
May 3, 2005~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
God started a mission through Jesus that is still going forward today. In Luke 9:51-62 Jesus “resolutely set His face to go to Jerusalem” and told His disciples about the high cost of discipleship. In Luke 10, Jesus instructs His disciples in His mission, caring for outcasts and getting their priorities straight.
Read Luke 10:1-42
10:1-20 Why do you think Jesus said the “labourers are few” and His disciples should ask God to send “labourers into His harvest”?
10:3-9 What is the nature of the mission on which Jesus sends them?
What is the nature of the mission Jesus wants us on today?
10:10-16 Why is that Jesus rebukes certain cities?
10:17-20 How should Jesus’ words help us set our priorities straight?
10:21-24 Describe the essence of what Jesus reveals to us here.
10:25-37 Why does the lawyer pick these particular verses from Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18 in response to Jesus’ question?
Could the lawyer have followed Jesus’ instructions adequately? What do we need to do what Jesus said the lawyer should?
What is the irony of the lawyer trying to justify himself to Jesus?
Where is Jericho in relation to Jerusalem? (See map in Bible.)
What is it about the priest and the Levite that made them pass by?
Review the background material on Samaria and Samaritans and discuss how this makes the parable even more profound to Jesus’ Jewish audience than we commonly understand it today.
In what way is Jesus’ teaching still radical (in a good sense) today?
What characteristics of mercy does the Samaritan show?
If you were the inn keeper, what would you be thinking of all this?
The lawyer correctly identifies the merciful one. What do you think the lawyer would have been thinking when Jesus told him to imitate a Samaritan?
What does this say about the breadth of God’s thinking about human relationships? About human-divine relationships?
What role does compassion serve in the mission of God to the lost?
10:38-42 Describe the priorities of Martha and Mary before Jesus responds to Martha’s requests.
What difference should Jesus’ reply make to Martha?
Does God care about the condition of our houses? Why &/or how?
What is the proper relationship between practical worldly responsibilities and our responsibilities to God in His Kingdom?
God started a mission through Jesus that is still going forward today. What part do you think God wants you to take in His mission?
Paul Birston
May 2005©