I hope you will enjoy the writings and guides posted here. The faith and experiences that inspired them have been a blessing to me and I hope they will be to you as well. This website is a place to bring together writings and resources from different avenues of service and outreach and make them available for those of you I talk with and share life with on a regular basis and for anyone who may be interested. Many people have given me positive, constructive and critical comments along the way. I learn from all of them. The articles have appeared in the Gospel Herald. I hope to add to and update the site as new things become available. My prayer is that the love and light of God who makes life worth living will be seen through these pages.
"His Face Was Like the Sun, Shining in Its Strength"
Revelation 1:12-16
"The Power of God in Jesus Death, Burial and Resurrection"
The Gospel in 1 and 2 Corinthians
"Three Encouraging Songs Come Home"
Psalm 118:22-24, Lamentations 3:22-24, Philippians 4:4-9
Trust in the LORD with All Your Heart, Poverbs 3:1-6
The Renewing of the Mind, Romans 12:1-2 (Sermon pdf link)
Visions of Jesus on the Horizon of Glory, Matthew 3:1-12 (Sermon pdf link)
Composing and Calming Our Souls, Psalm:131 (Sermon pdf link)
Living with a Broken Heart, Psalm 34:18 (Sermon pdf link)
"New Testament Reading Guide" (added February 23, 2017)
"Old Testament Reading Guide in Approximate Chronological Order" (added February 23, 2017)
"24-7_Worship" (added February 23, 2017)
"Slavery in the New Testament World" (added November 11, 2013)
"7 x 70" (added March 12, 2013)
"Seeing God's Redeeming Work Every Day" (added June 15, 2012)
"Apocalyptics Now, Part 1" (added March 2, 2012)
"Apocalyptics Now, Part 2" (added June 15, 2012)
"What is Jesus Doing Now?" (added March 2, 2012)
"1 Timothy 1:12-16, How Good Do We Have To Be to Come to Jesus?" (added March 8, 2012)
"John 15, What Would Jesus Do... for a friend ?" (added March 8, 2012)
"Psalm 100, Where Do We Belong?" (added March 13, 2012)
"God the Father Welcomes Us Home and Becomes All in All" (added March 13, 2012)
"Restoring the Boundaries of Love, Part 2" (added March 13, 2012)
"Restoring the Boundaries of Love, Part 1" (added March 13, 2012)
"Singles in the New Testament Church" (added March 13, 2012)
"Is God Holy or Compassionate?" (added March 13, 2012)
"Revelation Blessings" (added March 21, 2012)
"Revelation Worship" (added March 21, 2012)
"Revelation of Jesus Christ" (added March 21, 2012)
"How Not to Listen to a Sermon" (added March 21, 2012)
"How to Listen to a Sermon" (added March 21, 2012)
"The Renewing of Your Mind, Part 1" (added Feb 23, 2012)
"The Renewing of Your Mind, Part 2" (added March 21, 2012)